Sunday, November 4, 2012

First Time Crocheter!

I am taking my first super long flight next week, Matthew and I have a 20 hour flight ahead of us! With that in mind, I decided picking up crocheting would be extremely beneficial, I'll have something else to add to my list of things to do while flying. For those who do not know, we will be taking a trip to Japan on Tuesday! We are children's missionaries through Cadence International! Japan is a potential place for ministry once we raise all of our support! To read more you can visit our blog!

Now back to crocheting...

For my first project, I decided to make a scarf! I found a fairly easy one on Pintrest! The only two things you need to know is how to make a chain stitch and how to slip stitch to create a circle. If you don't, I found a super helpful video to help join your slip stitch.

-chunky yarn- I used Lion Brand Wool Ease. The yarn came in 153 yards, I didn't use it all. I would say I used between 1/2 and 3/4.
-.9mm hook
For the pattern, check out HiddenDaisy. This is where I got my pattern, she did a great job explaining! 

If  you look close, you will notice that my scarf is a little curled.. It was an accident, but I am okay with it and will make it work. I washed it after making it in an attempt to make it softer, I didn't realize it would also curl. I am just thankful it didn't unravel!

I am pretty proud of my first crochet project! And I made it just in time for the chilly weather! =)

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Falling Leaves

My husband has the best ideas! When we came home, there were leaves covering the driveway and all over the yard.. you could barely see the road/yard. So he said, "Hey, let's make a giant leaf pile to jump in!" That's exactly what we did! =)

Matthew got to use the awesome leaf blower, while I racked in the yard. The front yard is one giant hill, so racking raking hurt my back. I didn't realize it was going to hurt so bad, but I would say it was well worth it! =)

By the time we finished, the sun had basically gone down. The pictures we ended up taking weren't exactly the best quality  but we had fun! Our pile was pretty big, we got it up to Matthew's waist, and he's 6 '3"!

Matthew jumped in first! It was pretty funny, he put all he had into his jump... the leaves and the ground weren't as soft as he remember when he was a child, so he hurt himself a little. 

Where's his body?!?!

I learned from Matthew to not use all of my strength when jumping in, so I didn't get hurt! =)
Unfortunately, neither one of us were able to get shots of the other actually jumping in the leaf pile.. maybe next time.

And of course, we had to take a few couple shots!  Taking this shot was harder than we anticipated, since one of us had to take it. I think it turned out fairly well. =)

It was a great "date night" for us both! We had fun acting like kids again and hanging out together! Now it's your turn.. well, if you still have leaves, go make a giant pile of leaves and have fun! =)

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