Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Decor

Ironing on my felt trees
A few weeks back, we had a Christmas Craft Day! =D My sister in law, Sarah and my friend Nikki came over! Of course my mother in love was here! =D We made pillows first! It was super fun!! We used old sheets my MIL had and fabric she bought specially for us! =D

We hadn't planned on sewing any buttons on, but we had some and it made our trees look even cuter! =D There were different sizes to choose from, so we each had ones unique to our trees!  =)

These are my finished product! I also added a red button that says "joy" to one pillow! I was super pleased with them! I was also proud of my sewing skills. =) I'd only used a sewing machine once before and I didn't remember how to use one! Learning again was fun, it's makes me want to sew more things!! haha. =)
Next year I may even make more to sell!!

We also made 5 different types of ornaments! Super fun!! We made glitter ones, a snow globe, cupcakes, beaded ones and tried making some with paint! In this picture, Sarah and I were making paint ornaments! Mine, however, did not turn out that well! The idea was to add a couple of colors, shake the ornament and end up with a pretty color blend. I ended up with an all orange and an all green ornament! BUT it was a fun day for sure, so it's okay! =)

This is one of the bead ornaments we made! Looks great, right!! Sarah brought over her jewelry making beads and wire, so we didn't have to buy our own! Super nice and they turned out great!

I hung some of them in our living room window because our tree is too small for bigger ornaments. Next year, I will buy tinsel or something of the like to add it to the tension rod! I will also add more ornaments! =)

Our cute little cupcake!

Our glitter ornaments!!
And our snow globe!! =D

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Let it SNOW!!

This Christmas was Matthew and I's first Christmas as a married couple and first Christmas as missionaries!! =D We wanted to add a little something to our Christmas cards for those that have invested in our future ministry! =) I came up with crocheting a snowflake ornament! It would be light and easy to fit in our cards! There was only one problem... I had no idea how to make a snowflake! Luckily, Matthew can pretty much figure out anything! (I love that man)!! I showed him the pattern and he figured it out in less than an hour! We were all set and made our cute little ornaments! =D

I am already thinking ahead for next year's gift! I have seen a lot of ornaments we can make, but I don't want to always give an ornament in their cards. I haven't thought of anything else that will fit in a card; if you happen to think of something, please let me know! =D

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

First Time Crocheter!

I am taking my first super long flight next week, Matthew and I have a 20 hour flight ahead of us! With that in mind, I decided picking up crocheting would be extremely beneficial, I'll have something else to add to my list of things to do while flying. For those who do not know, we will be taking a trip to Japan on Tuesday! We are children's missionaries through Cadence International! Japan is a potential place for ministry once we raise all of our support! To read more you can visit our blog!

Now back to crocheting...

For my first project, I decided to make a scarf! I found a fairly easy one on Pintrest! The only two things you need to know is how to make a chain stitch and how to slip stitch to create a circle. If you don't, I found a super helpful video to help join your slip stitch.

-chunky yarn- I used Lion Brand Wool Ease. The yarn came in 153 yards, I didn't use it all. I would say I used between 1/2 and 3/4.
-.9mm hook
For the pattern, check out HiddenDaisy. This is where I got my pattern, she did a great job explaining! 

If  you look close, you will notice that my scarf is a little curled.. It was an accident, but I am okay with it and will make it work. I washed it after making it in an attempt to make it softer, I didn't realize it would also curl. I am just thankful it didn't unravel!

I am pretty proud of my first crochet project! And I made it just in time for the chilly weather! =)

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Falling Leaves

My husband has the best ideas! When we came home, there were leaves covering the driveway and all over the yard.. you could barely see the road/yard. So he said, "Hey, let's make a giant leaf pile to jump in!" That's exactly what we did! =)

Matthew got to use the awesome leaf blower, while I racked in the yard. The front yard is one giant hill, so racking raking hurt my back. I didn't realize it was going to hurt so bad, but I would say it was well worth it! =)

By the time we finished, the sun had basically gone down. The pictures we ended up taking weren't exactly the best quality  but we had fun! Our pile was pretty big, we got it up to Matthew's waist, and he's 6 '3"!

Matthew jumped in first! It was pretty funny, he put all he had into his jump... the leaves and the ground weren't as soft as he remember when he was a child, so he hurt himself a little. 

Where's his body?!?!

I learned from Matthew to not use all of my strength when jumping in, so I didn't get hurt! =)
Unfortunately, neither one of us were able to get shots of the other actually jumping in the leaf pile.. maybe next time.

And of course, we had to take a few couple shots!  Taking this shot was harder than we anticipated, since one of us had to take it. I think it turned out fairly well. =)

It was a great "date night" for us both! We had fun acting like kids again and hanging out together! Now it's your turn.. well, if you still have leaves, go make a giant pile of leaves and have fun! =)

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

More Fall Festivities

  I am so thankful to of had another great weekend! =) I love fall and everything you get to do!! =) Stay tuned for tomorrow's fun activities! =)
 This weekend Matthew and I helped out at his parents church, they had a fall festival for the kids! We helped with the craft table, Matthew's parents helped set up and then helped run the cake walk for a bit. There was soo much for the kiddos to do and there was a great outcome! Here we are with our ridiculous balloon hats, waiting for the kids! Matthew wore his all day, I however, did not. haha.

Each child got to make one of these fancy picture 
frames when they came to our table. There was a photo booth with all sorts of fun props where they were able to get there picture taken! Once they were finished, their picture would print at our booth and they were able to stick their picture in the frame they created! How fun is that? I really enjoyed helping the kids with this, they were all so cute and excited to make crafts!!

Matthew and I were also able to have a little fun with the photo booth! I love, love, love photo booths! I think they are so fun and you can end up with some pretty awesome pictures! I would of let Matthew in my photo frame, but he did not want to join.. so I had it all to myself. Don't we look ravishing?! ;)

Matthew did a great job encouraging people to make their picture frames and while they were making them! The boys loved coming over and chatting with him, it was pretty cute. Matthew even tried to get the parents to make frames! He had a good time and made everyone laugh!

I loved this! The family all making one together.

How cute! Husband and wife making
a frame together!

And on to the Cake Walk...

Matthew was super excited about the cake walk. He loves free stuff... but who doesn't? =) He joined in on the first I walk.. and many others that followed! haha. Oh, he also won the first walk! Although he didn't win a cake... he won cookies! Even better!! I snagged one and he gave a bunch away, but he did have his share!

Matthew and his cookies!

So many people showed up for the cake walk. This shot 
was taken in the beginning, but the cake walk ended up
being the most popular station inside. I did not take any
photos of the other stations, but there was fun had by all.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Fun in the Fall

Once you enter the farm, You get 
to see this handy dandy map!

Over the weekend, Matthew and I met up with my brother and sister in law at a pumpkin patch/farm. It wasn't for our age, but we still had a fun time hanging out and enjoying the day together! =)

Whooo! Belle is checking out her height!

The farm didn't have a corn maze, they had a tree maze instead. I thought it was pretty cool to walk though the giant pine trees, plus it was nice and cool in the shade! There were also fairy characters throughout the maze, to add excitement for the little ones. We shared in the fun of the characters as well. In the above picture, we are hanging out with the ugly duckling.

We were uncertain of the fairy character here-a donkey in a fence, but we were attracted to the GIANT sombrero! Although the picture isn't great quality, you can see Matthew sitting on the donkey. Also, notice the little one photo bombing.. I did not notice him while taking a quick photo. (WHERE are his PARENTS??)

This is my horse, I call him Brownie
and feed him carrots.

I love this picture, I think she looks oh so cute. =)

There was a maze within a maze! How fun. Matthew and Jon decided to take a stab at the maze! In the picture on the right, Jon is helping Matthew get through the maze. How cute! ;)

While walking through the tree maze, there were different stations you stopped at to paint your finger. You randomly painted each finger a different color. Once you finished the maze, there was a sign of all the different options you could have painted. You find which hand looks like your own and you have to do whatever the sign says. I had to courtesy to everyone, Jon had to stand like a scarecrow, and Matthew had to hiss like a kitty cat. It was pretty humorous.

There was a giant Humpty Dumpty!! Who doesn't love Humpty Dumpty? =)
Belle looking oh so cute...
... and then there's Matthew =P

Dawwww. Prince Charming
putting on Cinderella's slipper!
...And they lived happily ever
after! =)
(I am not sure why there is a
funky line over Jon's face)

Whoo! There was a cow train! Anything cow makes me smile and makes me think of Chick-Fil-A! 

And an extra Whoo for my very first post! =)
Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by =)

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