Lovin Life

Celebrating the holidays are supposed to be filled with joy and bring the families together. It doesn't always feel that way for me because my dad passed away when I was a child and my mother isn't exactly a mother, making our family a pretty broken one. I can usually count on pain and sadness to creep in when I see those around enjoying time well spent with their loved ones. I can also find myself filled with a little too much anxiety-not exactly a fun emotion. To help cope a little better this year, I decided recording some of the many blessings in my life. I can't say that I 100% enjoyed the holiday season and all my pain disappeared, but I can say that I encouraged myself by reflecting on what I do have. =)

  1. I am thankful for my amazing husband. He truly loves me as "Christ loves the church." His patience is out of this world and he always accepts me. I am so thankful to have a confidant and a man who is quick to forgive. He doesn't hold my previous mistakes against me, instead he extends grace. He doesn't get angry easily and he knows how to make me laugh. I am so glad that I get to wake up to him every day, long distance was tough and I'm glad it's over. I'm happy his job doesn't require spending nights in another town, state or even country country.. without me. I love my man.
  2. I am thankful for the the few years I was able to spend with my dad. He was the best and really showered me with love. He encouraged my imagination and let me be me. Because he was such an awesome dad, I am able to accept God as a great Father. I believe and know that my Heavenly Father wants the best for me because my biological wanted the same thing. 
  3. I am thankful for my brother and sister. I knew I always had at least two friends! I can count on either of them to be there for me. They embrace my weirdness and love me for who I am. I know they will stand behind me and encourage me in whichever path life may find me on. Our fights don't last long and our love for one another is strong. My brother's hugs are great and he isn't afraid to welcome me with a kiss on the cheek/forehead each time we meet. We have our way of loving each other, unique to the two of us. I can always count on my sister to jump and scream for joy when she sees me. Although I pretend to be awkward and annoyed, I know I am loved. She has always been a best friend to me, ready to hear all that is going on in my life. And she will run to my defense whatever the circumstance-so watch out! ;)
  4. I am thankful for my sister-in-love, Belle. I do not consider her an "in law", our relationship is genuine and natural. I am so glad that my brother married her, she has truly brought us all closer. I love her personality and her giving heart. She has a lot of love to give and she has definitely taken on a "big sister" role. AND she listens, she can tell when something is wrong and cares enough to ask.
  5. I am thankful for my Father and Mother-in-love. From the time I was a teen I have prayed for my future in-laws to walk with the Lord and to love me for the messy person that I am. They sure are an answer to prayer! They offer wisdom and speak the truth. My father in love has been an excellent example in how he shows his love and affection towards his wife. I am incredibly thankful that Matthew has followed in that example. He also offers great wisdom! I have been learning how to keep and organize a house by watching my mother in love. Something that may seem of little importance to some, but it has helped me immensely! When Matthew and I first got married, I didn't have a clue on wife duties and chores that need to be done around the house, I would do them on a rare occasion when I was on my own. It seemed so daunting! Watching someone else work and have a routine has helped me begin to create my own. She has also helped/encouraged my inner crafty self. =) I am learning things that I would of loved to already know, she is teaching me all the things mothers should. She will also take time to teach me something I am having trouble with... and then teach me again when I forget.
  6. I am thankful for Brother and Sister in law, Christoper and Sarah. We don't know each other too well yet, but I'm glad relationships are being formed and that my sibling size has grown! They both care for their family and I think that's a wonderful thing!
  7. I am thankful for loving mother and father figures who helped guide me along the way. Leigh and David Mayers are top of that list!! They took me in- free of charge, out of love in their hearts! They gave me a place to call home, food to eat, laughs to share and plenty of needed wisdom! I can always count on Mr. David for a fatherly, bear hug and a good laugh! He offers guidance and helped me out of my many jams! I am unable to count how MANY times I locked myself out of my car and he was always there to save the day! When I ran out of gas and was stuck on the bypass, he was there to save my day! He helped me with my taxes and taught me how to manage money.  Mrs. Leigh is always there to cheer me on and listen to my good/bad days. I can always count on her wisdom and openness. She is gracious and kind hearted. They are simply wonderful, down to earth, loving people.
  8. I am thankful for my Aunt Sally and Uncle Eddy! They have ALWAYS been there. My aunt is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, for real though. My uncle is one of the most patient, soft spoken, encouraging men you will ever meet! My aunt has only seen him get angry twice! Crazy!! They both have HUGE hearts and always make sure I have what I need. They are just great. I am beyond blessed to have the care and love for me the way they do!
  9. I am thankful for Pastor Troy Ray, his wife Dionne and their amazing children! Ericka is one of my best friends and their family is a second family. Troy and Dionne live a life of love, they are genuine to the core. While I was growing up, Pastor Troy seemed to always know when I need an encouragement. he would call and check in, randomly show up at the house or even have lunch with me at school whenever things with my mom weren't going well. He knew Jon, Lydia and I needed to know we were loved by someone. I am so thankful that I grew up with his example of worship, prayer and way of life in general. Now that I am a little older and have reflected a bit, I can clearly see it was his example I model after. Dionne is a gem. She always seems to have an answer for my questions and solutions for my problems. She is a woman of integrity and is a joy to be around! She is a woman who can prove to you being a Christian is still fun! She is real. Her prayers have encouraged me and reminded me that I matter. She is a virtuous woman.
  10. My friends, I am thankful for my friends. The Lord really blessed me with the best friends. They love me, even though I am super goofy and weird. They accept my faults and encourage me to be better. They aren't afraid to correct me or hold me accountable. They support me and love me... and throw in a little bit of teasing. I am thankful for the friends I am able to "go deep" with and talk about what is really going on in our lives. My friends are the great and the time we spend to together is sweet! Plus, I know I will always have a place to go if I ever need one, in fact, I have a few! 
  11. I am thankful that I became a Christian. It has changed my life! =)
  12. I am thankful for the different churches I grew up in. I have learned a lot from each and I learned not each one is the same. I have met amazing people in each church I have attented! 
  13. Chick-Fil-A. Who isn't thankful for CFA, ;) I am thankful I was able to work there for 4 years! It was more than just selling chicken, it was making a difference in our community for the greater good. I learned a lot about business, evangelizing and working with different personalities. Plus, I was able to eat free chicken! =D As weird as it sounds, Chick-Fil-A will always be close to my heart. =)
  14. I am thankful for the three years I was able to work at River Valley Ranch!!! I met great people, learned the meaning of service and experienced one of the best seasons of my life. The Ranch is a sweet spot in my heart. It's a place where I grew spiritually and physically. I was stretched and challenged. I love the Ranch. Thank you, Tifanee for pushing me to go!!! 
  15. I am thankful for spending three weeks at International House of Prayer(IHOP) when I was sixteen. I had no idea what it was or the changes in my heart that would come out of going, but I went! My prayer life was strengthened and it was the summer I truly fell in love with Christ. My eyes were opened to how great His love is for me. The more I learned of how deep His love is for me, the harder I fell. That summer has still been my favorite.
  16. I'm thankful for getting to stay with Matthew's parents! We were thinking of moving to CO after we got married, but I am glad we didn't! We get to save money staying with them, which is so nice! The greatest part for me is getting to know them better. While Matthew and I dated, we were long distant, so I didn't see his parents that much. I have enjoyed getting to know them better and forming a more solid relationship! It's been great. =D
  17. I am thankful for the time I was able to spend as nanny. I started out with one awesome boy and ended with two. I had babysat before and loved it! Getting to watch a newborn was amazing, I hadn't been trusted with such a baby before then and I learned so much! Before watching him, I didn't even know how to hold a baby and I was so scared when I did! I wouldn't consider myself a pro now, but I would say I have more confidence!
  18. I am thankful my husband knows how to cook!! I am not the greatest cook, so having his help in the kitchen has been amazing! And if I burn something, he'll eat it anyway. ;)
  19. I am thankful that my mother in love has an awesome craft room! She has plenty of supplies and lets me use them! Crafts and card making would cost me so much more if I didn't have her!
  20. I am thankful Matthew and I get to spend time with his parents playing games! It's a sweet time and I enjoy playing!
  21. I am thankful for our fireplace! It's such a treat, I love fires and I love getting to have one every night during the winter and some of the fall! =)
  22. I love that my husband drives almost everywhere. I rarely drive now and it's great! I am not a fan of driving and I try to make sure I thank him each time he takes me out! =)
Twenty two is where I will stop. Typing these have been an encouragement! I am loved and it was great to remind myself of that. Even though I am undeserving, God has given me many blessings! For that, I am thankful! =)
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